Podcast Interview

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The tourism industry already accounts for 10.4% GDP and employs 313 million people; find out why Hilton is on a social and environmental mission to ensure its future.

Katie Hyson, Director of Thought Leadership at Business Fights Poverty interviews Daniella Foster, Senior Director of Global Corporate Responsibility at Hilton Hotels and Resorts to find out more about their new sustainability strategy ‘Travel with Purpose,’ their 2030 goals and their mission to redefine travel and tourism.

Listen to this podcast to find out more about the expected growth in travel and tourism – Daniella explains the importance of environment and social, why the business case for taking a leading role in addressing these issues is backed by the Board and how Hilton CEO Christopher Nassetta is inspiring action.

Daniella, during this podcast also provides unique insight into the two giant customer surveys she undertook to form the business case. Asking over 72,000 Hilton customers on two separate occasions to understand their interest in social and environmental issues when travelling or staying in hotels. Daniella explains the finding that 33% actively seek societal information before booking – of those, 60% conduct research even if the information is not easily accessible, whilst 62% of all respondees would actively avoid a brand, even one they would normally use if there was negative societal reports about the brand. Daniella’s view: this is not about a siloed CSR function, but a fully integrated, cross business strategy.

And finally, Daniella explains why the SDGs are so personal after taking listeners on her personal journey, giving practical advise on moving between NGO, the public sector and private. She is former: Head of Global Corporate Affairs & Science Communications for Mars Symbioscience; Director of Public-Private Partnerships at the U.S. Department of State; Chief of Staff to the Secretary of State’s Senior Advisor, working on policy initiatives and partnerships designed to strengthen emerging democracies and civil society worldwide.

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