How can governments more effectively support inclusive businesses? Give us your input.
The G20 Global Platform on Inclusive Business (GPIB) invites you to participate in the GPIB Inclusive Business Survey. The survey is open to any company that is working with people living at the base of the pyramid (BOP) – companies implementing an “inclusive business” approach. The survey is designed to take 10 minutes and can be taken either online or on any smart phone.
The GPIB has been endorsed by the G20 and is jointly implemented by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and the UNDP. Its aim is to connect policymakers and business behind a mission that is both pro-poor and pro-business. The Platform strives to better understand the role that governments can play in supporting inclusive companies more effectively.
GPIB recognizes that business must be engaged if the world is to advance the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Inclusive businesses – by working directly with low-income people – have the potential to be a driving force for inclusion and sustainability. These are companies that extend last-mile water, power, and mobile phone service to customers in rural areas. They train and create markets for small farmers. They treat low-income patients and teach low-income students. By simultaneously generating profit and having a positive impact on society, inclusive businesses redefine business-as-usual.
Does this describe your organization?
Whether your experience is as a multinational corporation, a local business, or a start-up social enterprise, if you are a commercially viable organization providing goods, services, or livelihoods to people living at the BOP, GPIB wants to hear from you.
Which government programs and policies are working? Which are not? What needs to be done?
Your input will enable us to better understand the role that governments can play to support inclusive businesses more effectively. Survey results will inform GPIB’s future research efforts and will also be discussed at the G20 Development Working Group and made available on the upcoming GPIB website. Designed as a global partnership, GPIB will provide support to policy-makers and facilitate the adoption of inclusive business policy.
To take the survey, click here:
The deadline for survey responses is March 11th.