Corporate Volunteering: Why It Works & How To Prove It

Chris Jarvis

Corporate Volunteering: Why It Works & How To Prove It

This is a recent presentation I gave to the International Association of Business Communicators at their World Conference in Toronto, June 8, 2010. I used a format available a I HIGHLY recommend taking the time to figure out this new style of presentation. I absolutely love it. It’s free and fairly intuitive.

You’ll never go back to Power Point or Keynote.

If you’re interested in having us present at your event please feel free to contact us.

Chris Jarvis & Angela Parker
Learn more about Realized Worth
Connecting companies with communities through employee volunteering & social media.

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One Response

  1. Hi Andrew,

    Great sounding concept. I am an enthusiast of cross-cultural volunteering in combination with ‘at home’ activism/service/volunteering. Groups that build schools in Kenya should institutionalize those learnings by working of building projects at home – a big win win approach.

    I’ll take a look at the site, and I’ll offer what support I can.

    I am @RealizedWorth on twitter if you want to connect in real time!





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