How can we drive gender equity through responsible sourcing?

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Gender Summit 2022 – Day 1

Hosted with UN Foundation

Responsible Sourcing holds the promise to improve the lives of millions of women workers globally. Corporate leaders have offered researchers some surprising answers for what is needed. A focus on gender equity and women’s health in supply chains can be a curb cut for Responsible Sourcing.


Learned what ESG leaders offer as roadmap for action on responsible sourcing and gender equality.

Gained a deeper understanding of gender equity as a driver of worker wellbeing and business resilience in global supply chains.

Identified gaps for attention and advocacy in our company or corporate partnerships.


Steve Rochlin, CEO, IMPACT ROI


Ayesha Barenblat, CEO, Remake

David Wofford, Senior Director, Private Sector Strategy & Engagement, Universal Access Project, United Nations Foundation

Mansi Kabra, Senior Manager, Marketing and Transformation, Good Business Lab

Katie Hyson, Business Fights Poverty (Moderator)