UK's Department For International Development Seeking Feedback On Its Agricultural Policy


Over the next two months, the UK’s Department for International Development’s (DFID) Food Group will be reviewing DFID’s 2005 Agricultural Policy, and to do this they would like your help. A short issues paper will be available at the beginning of December.

DFID would like your comments, thoughts and suggestions on the issues in the paper and would like to invite you to an informal consultation meeting in London in early December. This review is not a formal evaluation but it will help to inform the future direction of DFID’s food and agriculture policy, position and programmes.

Key Dates are:

Short issues paper circulated – week commencing December 8th, 2008

Consultation meeting – December 11th & 12th, 2008

Further information regarding the consultation will follow but please make note of the timings as your opinion is valued.

Please contact Bernadette Hensen if you would like to register your interest in the issues paper and consultation meeting.

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