
A paper highlighting the emerging understanding of the potential opportunities and risks that generative AI brings for the lives, livelihoods and access to learning of vulnerable people and communities. We then offer a practical framework to guide business action: leveraging core business, philanthropy and policy advocacy to mitigate the risks and realise the social impact potential of generative AI.
Across the world, a confluence of challenges— notably, COVID, conflict, and climate change—is driving a poverty tsunami that is already crashing into people’s lives. Inside this latest magazine, you will find articles about businesses are building breakwaters to protect the growing number of vulnerable people against the oncoming wave. Our magazines help you navigate the challenges of scaling your social impact and share some of the leading edge thinking on topics across the space.​ Download the latest issue and past issues by clicking on the buttons below.
A report on how paying living wages throughout core operations and the value chain strengthens business performance, resilience and stability, while delivering measurable social impact and enabling businesses to more effectively deliver on human and labour rights obligations. Published with Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership and Shift, with support from Unilever.
COVID, conflict and climate change are among a confluence of challenges driving a tsunami of poverty that is already crashing into the lives of vulnerable people and communities around the world. This briefing explores these trends and the role businesses can and should play.
A framework for action that explores the collective leadership of the mining and metals industry in rebuilding better in the wake of COVID-19. With the International Council on Mining and Metals and The Partnering Initiative.
A framework for action that builds on the COVID-19 Response Framework to highlight ways in which business can help rebuild better from the pandemic. With the Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School and UK Aid.
A toolkit on how businesses can support the most vulnerable workers in their value chains during the pandemic. With Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School and UK Aid.
A toolkit specifically tailored to assist with navigating planning during crises, when traditional corporate planning processes may take too long or require too many certainties.
Know-how videos and tip sheets to inspire and jump start any new products, services, or business models to create social or environmental value, as well as revenue. Produced with Barclays, Pearson and Cemex, and in partnership with The Intrapreneur Lab and Be Inspired Films.

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