
This guide explains how the practice of farmer segmentation, if done well, can help businesses better tailor their interventions to support smallholder farmers in their global supply chains, leading to skills development, improved access to agricultural inputs, greater resilience, and eventually, a Living Income. Download it for an overview of the basic steps that any company would take to get started, and to find out how segmentation is already helping businesses reach their objectives while improving smallholder livelihoods.
A summary of an online discussion about how business and their partners can recognise, value, and enhance the contributions of the “hidden women” in global smallholder value chains, on whom our global food supply systems depend. With Unilever and Oxfam GB.
A white paper on how business can improve the economic benefits of trade for smallholder farmers and their families. With AB InBev, Mars Inc and Sustainable Food Labs.
A report that seeks to distil the lessons—and strategic questions—from the New Vision for Agriculture experience to date for system leaders in agriculture, food security, and beyond. With Corporate Responsibility Initiative, Harvard Kennedy School.

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