
What do we mean by "Insights"?


Annabel Beales gives an overview of the five ways to engage with Business Fights Poverty, through convenings, circles, collaborations, collective insights and communications. And as always, find out about our latest published content.
A round-up of recent articles, “how-to” videos and podcasts. Explore key trends that require a robust business response; and find out how business is supporting decent livelihoods and building the resilience of women in supply chains in the face of climate change. And don’t miss Standard Chartered’s Futuremakers Forum in partnership with Business Fights Poverty. 
Business Fights Poverty is a hive of activity this month, with a new coalition for India and COVID-19 Response, continuing work on Business and Climate Justice, and a focus on building inclusive business. Plus – upcoming events promise opportunities for insights and connection on the themes of Partnerships, Rebuild Better, and Developing Skills for the Future. 
Over the course of 12 months we have co-created a collaboration Blueprint, 3 Frameworks and 10 topic-specific Action Toolkits. We thank our community and supporters for their active engagement in this work. Visit the Business Fights Poverty Respond, Recover and Rebuild Better Centre to access all these resources and continue Rebuilding Better.
As the world marked the anniversary of the COVID-19 pandemic, Business Fights Poverty launched its new programme on Climate Justice. As well as becoming environmentally sustainable, climate justice demands that equity and inclusion are front-and-centre in efforts to tackle the climate emergency. The content shared by our community this fortnight provides insights into work already underway. 
This round-up article looks back on the Rebuild Better Gender Summit 2021, and the wealth of resources available through our website to inspire and guide business action for gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. It also highlights a new Insights Report that distills valuable lessons from Kenya’s National Business Compact on Coronavirus.
Contributions from across the Business Fights Poverty community have shone a light on how businesses and their partners are continuing to build long-term resilience in the wake of COVID-19, including supporting the wellbeing and potential of vulnerable workers in agricultural supply chains.
In the run-up to our Rebuild Better Virtual Summit on Gender, Business Fights Poverty’s online content has explored what business can do to support women’s leadership; the transition to a green economy; and how we can create resilient food systems that enable small-scale farmers to flourish.
Earlier this month, the 2021 Edelman Trust Barometer reported that the pandemic has caused a crisis of public trust in our institutions. Its findings suggest a new mandate for business, which is now the most trusted institution, to play a key role in restoring trust and responding to social challenges.